The great favourite ; or, The Duke of Lerma Attributed to Sir Robert Howard.
Shewring, Margaret Elizabeth
University of Birmingham
University of Birmingham
The aim of this edition is to present an old-spelling, criticaltext of The Great Favourite; or, the Duke of Lerma (1668), a tragicomedyattributed to Sir Robert Howard.The thesis begins with a literary introduction which, after abrief survey of Howard's life, and a discussion of his literarycareer, examines the historical background of the play (includingpossible historical sources), and evaluates the various claims putforward concerning the play's authorship. The candidate mostfrequently proposed is John Ford. In an attempt to keep the questionof attribution in perspective, this introduction considers, too, thepolitical background against which the play was written, and therelationship between The Great Favourite and Howard's other works(which reveal the influence of both Jacobean and Restoration dramatictastes and techniques). The literary introduction concludes with acritical appreciation of the play in its own right.The text has been prepared from a copy of the first edition,collated with five other copies of the same edition and with allsubsequent editions. It is preceded by a bibliographical introductionwhich includes a statement of the principles on which the presentedition is based. A commentary attempts to provide such textual,critical, and explanatory material as may assist the reader'sunderstanding and appreciation of the play. Emendations are recorded at the foot of the relevant page of the text and appendices recordalterations in lineation, historical collation details, and aninteresting discrepancy in the binding of the early gatheringsof copies of the first edition.other appendices look at contemporary satire directed againstHoward, explore a connexion between Howard and Milton, and providedetails of the contact between Rubens and the Duke of Lerma thatresulted in an equestrian portrait of the great favourite(reproduced as the frontispiece to the present edition).