Technological development in the People's Republic of China :
Dean, Genevieve Catherine
the implementation of technology policy in Chinese industry
University of Sussex
University of Sussex
The following dissertation examines the implementation of policiesof the central State government of the People's Republic of Chinafor the development of modern industrial technologies. Includedare policies governing the initial acquisition of modern capital.goods and the technical knowledge to construct, install and operatethem, as well as policies which aim at longer-term development ofthe capacity to re-design, adapt, and improve existing technologiesand, ultimately, to invent and develop new capital goods and newtechnologies.Part 1 traces the evolution of technology policy objectives from1952 to 1970, in relation to changes in the economic and politicalcontext. The structure of particular institutions established toimplement technology policy is then related to the specific objectivesfor technological development laid down in the First FiveYearPlan (1953-1957). Subsequent modifications to these institutionsare regarded as efforts to improve their effectiveness asinstruments for these objectives.Part 2 considers the implementation of new technological objectivesafter 1960': the attempt to administer new policies through theinstitutions which had been established in connection with the FirstFive-Year Plan. These were in conflict with institutions which hadbeen set up in the Great Leap Forward (1958-1960) to implement newtechnological objectives. In the initial conception, it is argued,2these objectives, and therefore the institutional "instruments" ofthese policies, were to be subordinate to the original long-termdevelopment strategy. ~~en the latter was postponed after 1960,short- and medium-term policy focused on technological goals similarto those of the 1956-1957 period. However, these were now to beadministered through the original institutions, while efforts weremade to dismantle some of the structures dating from the Great Leap.The conclusion of this stuQy is that the attempt to implement newpolicies through the old institutions was failing in the early 1960's.Indeed, in continuing to function largely as they had been intendedto the First Five-Year Plan, these institutions were buildingmomentum toward a ~ facto restoration of the policies of the 1950's.Certain events during the Cultural Revolution (from 1966), therefore,are interpreted as efforts to adapt these institutions to the technologypoliqy Which nominally had been in force since 1960, and inthe process, to resolve the conflict between the two institutional"systems".At the same time, elements of the original institutional frameworkwere retained as instruments of long-term technological developmentpoliqy, which was to be resumed when economic and political circumstancespermitted. Thus a greater continuity is indicated in Chinesepolicies for industrial and technological development, than hasgenerally been assumed.Further, while not excluding social and political reasons forthe institutional changes brought by the Cultural Revolution, thisanalysis looks at these primarily as obstructions to the implementationof certain short-term aspects of technology policy. This approachmakes it possible to discern a greater degree of consistency in thepolicies for technology import, science, and education during andsince the Cultural Revolution.