The dissemination of neo-Palladian architecture in England, 1701-1758
Fry, Carole Anne
University of Bristol
University of Bristol
This research presented here examines the dynamics behind the highly successful disseminationofneo-Palladian architecture in the first half of the eighteenth century in England. A detailedanalysis of the lives and (architectural commissions of subscribers to all three volumes of ColenCampbell's Vitruvius Britannicus, which were published in 1715. 1717 and 1725 respectively,has been carried out and has led to the discovery of new information concerning this phase ofarchitectural history. Such an inclusive approach, which examines both the subscribers andtheir buildings and designs for gardens within contemporary society and culture, has producedmany new connections and relationships. These links, whether architectural, societal,mercantile, political, artistic, regional, or familial, are presented here and their significance forthe neo-Palladian style is expounded.One of the key findings of the thesis centres on the apolitical nature of the style, firmlyseparating neo-Palladianism from the received view that its success was due solely to the rise ofWhiggism. Another major finding challenges the origins of the style in England and thetendency in current historiographical analysis to examine neo-Palladianism purely in relation tothe early aristocracy. Research presented here links the style's burgeoning popularity to thefinancial conditions of the early eighteenth century and an emergent group of wealthy, risktakingmerchants. This work provides a major revision of the accepted view of the neoPalladianstyle and its all-encompassing success in the eighteenth century.