an ethnographic study of egg donation and national imaginaries
University of Lancaster
University of Lancaster
This thesis derives from ethnographic research undertaken in sites of Israeli NF and eggdonation between January and September 2002. The thesis begins with an examination ofsome features of the general context of Israeli ova donation through an analysis of a set ofstories about the theft of ova and an egg shortage crisis, which emerged in the year priorto my fieldwork in Israel (2001). It then moves to an examination of NF and eggdonation at a state run clinic in Jerusalem. From there I trace some new practices oftransnational ova donation in three sites and sets of practices: an IVF clinic in Tel Aviv;donor trait selection at this Tel Aviv clinic; and an Israeli egg donation and extractionclinic in Romania. I trace some key features of these sites and practices.Through this analysis, I explore some of the ways in which discursive practices of Israeli .extraction, exchange, and implantation are important sites in the making of gender,religious, race and kinship relations, and are thereby implicated in the making of theIsraeli nation. The study frames egg donation practices as 'national imaginaries', whichare resonant with, and implicated in, the politics of (re)producing the state of Israel asJewish and Euro-American, One element of this which is identified here has been theshift towards privatisation of health care. I document some of the features andconsequences of this privatisation in the sphere of Israeli IVF and transnational ovatrafficking. Conducted during a period in which political and military negotiations ofIsraeli borders were intense, this research examines another, but related, site of borderstruggles .- medically assisted reproduction.