Environmental policy appraisal in UK central government :
Russel, Duncan John.
a political analysis
University of East Anglia
University of East Anglia
Environmental policy integration (EPI) is a strategy that aims to help institutionalisesustainable development. It seeks to overcome the sectoral tendencies inherent withingovernment to address the environment across its constituent parts. The main tool ofthe UK's EPI strategy is the ex-ante application of environmental policy appraisal(EPA). Critics maintain that EPA is weakly implemented across Whitehall. However,the empirical base for these claims is limited. Therefore, this thesis employs theoriesand methods of political science, organisational analysis, public administration, publicpolicy and economics to examine empirically the implementation of EPA in UKcentral government. Elite interviews and detailed documentary analysis are used tocomplete four tasks. First, the general patterns of EPA usage are mapped. Next, threein-depth case studies are presented. Then, the factors discouraging EPA, and byimplication EPI, are discussed using public policy making theories of bureau-shaping,bureau-culture and policy networks. Finally, suggestions are offered to improve thecross-departmental uptake of EPA.This thesis arrives at four main findings. First, the implementation of EPA in UKcentral government is limited and sectorized, with departments each having separatesystems and guidance to facilitate EPA production. Between 1997 and 2003 only 62EPAs appeared to have been published. None of these fulfilled specified best practicecriteria and the majority were ex-post justifications of pre-determined policy.Secondly, the underlying factors hindering EPA's cross-governmentalimplementation are two-fold: difficulties associated with the rational and quantitativemanner in which appraisal is advocated within official guidance; and sectorizationassociated with endemic departmentalism. Thirdly, the weak implementation of EPAmeans that the whole of the UK's EPI strategy is breaking down as few policyspillovers relating to the environment are being uncovered. Consequently, this thesisconcludes that the success of the UK's EPI strategy depends on two key factors: howwell policy makers are stimulated to build their capacity to appraise forenvironmental impacts; and the willingness of the Prime Minister and other centralactors in government to provide sustained leadership in order to override the sectoraltendencies of Whitehall.