Use and function of traditional Greek music in music schools of Greece
Dionyssiou, Zoe
Institute of Education, University of London
Institute of Education, University of London
The introduction of folk music in Greek state education during the late 1980s reflectsthe interest modern Greek society has for traditional arts, and creates new research areasfor music education. This thesis examines the use and function of Greek traditionalmusic in the Music Schools of Greece. Traditional music in education is analysed withreference to its place in Greek society, taking into account the following trends of the20th century: modernisation, urbanisation and globalisation. The project examines theways traditional music is taught, its effect on music education, and the views of teachersand students on the subject.Literature in ethnomusicology, sociology of music, and music education suggests abroad analytical theoretical framework. This consists of a three-strand set of dynamictensions: a) local and global musical domains, b) preservation and innovation, and c)formal and informal educational processes and structures. This framework illuminatesthe use and function of traditional music in Greek society and raises theoretical andpractical issues concerning the place of traditional music in music education.The particular focus is on Greek Demotiki and Byzantine music. A systematic study ofthese was first introduced in the Greek Music Schools, when they were founded in1988. The existing twenty-six schools were the object of my investigation. Themethodology consisted of a questionnaire answered by 313 music teachers; 11 semistructuredinterviews with teachers, 7 semi-structured interviews with heads of theschools, 3 semi-structured interviews with members of the Arts Committee for theschools, 17 group interviews with students, and a convenience sample of 13 classroomobservations.The data show that traditional music undergoes change when introduced in formaleducation. A standard repertory is acquired, aural learning is significantly reduced infavour of notation-based learning, the music becomes less exploratory, and becomes apersonal rather than communal experience. The changes vary depending on particularteachers' musical background and specialisation. Even so, folk traditions remain livelyin the school, and students become enthusiastic, even though music functions in adifferent way in their lives from the way it functioned in traditional communities. Theinvestigation revealed that traditional music in Greek education effectively offersopportunities for young people to study and appreciate their culture. The introduction oftraditional music promotes music both as social reproduction and symbolicrepresentation, and supports their mutual importance in the educational process.