The emergence of history as a subject within the primary curriculum during the twentieth century and its implementation in schools in the late 1990s.
Harnett, Penelope Anne Marshall.
University of the West of England at Bristol
University of the West of England at Bristol
The EInergence of History as a Subject within the PriInary Curricuhun duringthe Twentieth Century and its ImpleInentation in Schools in the late 1990s.The central concern of this thesis is that of curriculum change in relation to historyas a subject within the primary school curriculum. The thesis documents changeswhich have occurred in the history curriculum during the last hundred years, andexplores issues of curriculum control and teacher autonomy: who selectscurriculum knowledge and on what basis is this selection made?Goodson's (1994) view that subjects are not' monolithic entities', is explored andchanges and continuities within the primary history curriculum during thetwentieth century are investigated. The thesis analyses official documents relatingto the primary history discourse and situates them within prevailing educationalideologies and developments in historiography.U sing methodologies developed from the work of policy sociologists (Ozga: 1987,Ball: 1990, 1994), the thesis studies three contexts of policy creation andimplementation relating to the history National Curriculum (Bowe & Ball: 1992).a) Within the context of influence, the thesis analyses the primary historydiscourse prior to the National Curriculum contextualising it within the politicaland educational debates relating to curriculum construction. A framework for theanalysis of policy texts is developed which is used to trace the development ofhistory as a curriculum subject throughout the twentieth century. The thesisexplores Goodson' s (1994) claims that curriculum subjects have their origins inutilitarian concerns, which then move onto pedagogic and more academicjustifications. Rationales for teaching history are analysed and located withindifferent educational ideologies. The impact of changing rationales on the'knowledge drift' of the content of the history curriculum and the developingpedagogy for history are also investigated.b) The context of text production evaluates the debates relating to the creation ofthe history National Curriculum and subsequent versions. The structure of theNational Curriculum and its implications for primary school curriculumorganisation is considered. The work of the History Working Group and itsrecommendations for primary school history are discussed. The History FinalReport is analysed in detail as a source of evidence of official views on the historycurriculum and also in terms of the earlier traditions of history education,identified in the preceding chapters.Modifications to the history National Curriculum are considered, alongsideinterpretations from different agencies which reveal the dynamic relationshipbetween policy construction and implementation. The roles of agencies such as theNational Curriculum Council (NCC), Schools Examination and AssessmentCouncil (SEAC), Schools Curriculum and Assessment Authority (SCAA) andQualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) are considered and their influenceon the National Curriculum analysed, alongside the roles played by commercialpublishers and the Historical Association. In addition, the production of historytexts is also investigated within broader educational contexts such as the Report ofthe Three Wise Men (Alexander, Rose & Woodhead: 1992), the curriculum reviewled by Lord Dearing (DFE: 1995) and the development of the Labour party'seducational policies following their election victory in 1997 (DfEE: 1997a).c) Within the context of practice the thesis investigates the ways in which primaryschool teachers interpret the history National Curriculum within their own beliefsand values, and the impact of their different interpretations within the classroom.Interview data provide evidence of the variety of experiences which influenceteachers' views of history. Different emphases which individual teachers place onvarious aspects of history are analysed within Evans' (1994) model of historyteachers, which categorises teachers as storytellers, scientists and relativistreformers. Primary teachers' management of history as a subject within theprimary curriculum is also explored and considered alongside the range ofcompeting interests present in primary schools.The thesis combines documentary data with accounts by teachers of their beliefsand practices. In this way, links between the macro and micro spheres of policymaking are identified. Thus the thesis provides insights into the extent to whichcentral policy can be imposed on compliant teachers and the extent to whichprimary teachers mediate change, becoming 'policy makers in practice'(Croll: 1996).This study of curriculum history provides illuminative insights into contemporaryeducational concerns as they are contextualised through a broader timespan. It alsocontributes one example of the continuing evolution of a school subject within theprimary curriculum and provides an interesting case study which might be used toanalyse developments in other subject areas.