nationhood and national identity in British literature 1789-1848.
University of Sussex
University of Sussex
This study argues that nationalism is concerned not only withrelations and differences between rival nations, but is alsorelated to questions of class, power, and representation withinnations. It explores the development of a conservative form ofnationalism in England which, following Edmund Burke'sReflections on the Late Revolution in France (1790), elaboratesa defence of the hegemony of the aristocracy, in response to theincreasing economic and cultural power of the middle class, bornof the rapid growth of commercial and industrial economy.Literature is central in the development of this nationalism, andwritings by Coleridge, Wordsworth, Scott, Disraeli, and morebriefly, Dickens are considered.There are two distinct images of nationhood in England inthe period. These are on the one hand a vision of nationhoodwhich links the nation to the existence of a public, a residualaristocratic ideal of the nation which is defined within theterms of the discourse of civic humanism, and on the other handa vision of England which identifies English nationhood withrural society, village community, and the private and domesticspace of the home; an ideal of the nation which emerges inrelation to commercial and industrial culture, and which becomesidentified with the middle class. These two ideals of nationhoodbecome the focus of a struggle of representations betweenaristocracy and middle class. The tensions which this strugglebetween these conflicting images of the English nation createsare explored, considering their implications for the politics andrepresentation of national, class, and gender identities. Thisstudy demonstrates that debates about the movement from a landbasedpre-industrial to an industrial society are framed withina broader debate about the nature and meanings of Englishness andEnglish nationhood. The relationship of this nationalism todeveloping discourses of imperialism is also explored.