Banking on good health? Gender differences in minor morbidity amongst men and women working full-time in a British bank.
Emslie, Carol.
University of Glasgow
University of Glasgow
Aims. Many studies which find significant differences in minor morbiditybetween men and women have not taken account of the gendered distributionof social roles. Nor have they considered the gendered segregation of thelabour market; men and women typically work different hours in differentoccupations which involve varying conditions. This study attempts to fill thisgap in the literature by comparing the health of men and women working fulltimefor one organization (a British Bank). It addresses three main questions:" are there gender differences in minor morbidity after controlling foroccupational participation and occupational grade in this relativelyhomogenous sample?" how important is gender in accounting for minor morbidity compared toother independent variables?" are the relationships between predictors and health outcomes similar formen and women?Method. A postal questionnaire was distributed to men and women workingfull-time in clerical, supervisory and management grades in a large Britishbank. Completed questions were received from 76% of the sample (N=2200).Results. First, women reported a significantly higher number of commonsymptoms, malaise symptoms, doctor visits and sick days than men, and weremore likely to rate their health as fair or poor. However, there were nosignificant gender differences in the number of reported physical symptoms,nor in minor psychological morbidity as measured by the GHQ.. Secondly,perceived working conditions explained a much larger proportion of variancein the sample than gender. Finally, relationships between predictors andhealth outcomes were generally very similar for men and women.This study demonstrates the utility of exploring gender differences in minormorbidity using social role theory (by controlling for participation in paidemployment and attitudes toward this role) while also taking account of socialclass (by controlling for occupation and occupational grade).