Accountability and the merit principle in the Korean civil service.
Jung, Jin-Chul.
University of Exeter
University of Exeter
Bureaucracy is an inevitable phenomenon as well as an indispensablenecessity in modern society regardless of a country's size and degree ofdevelopment. Its importance is stressed more in developing countries wherethere are few effective institutions to cope with initiating, designing, evaluatingand even implementing development programmes. Further, due to homogeneityin culture and ethnicity and its vulnerable geopolitical conditions, Korea has beengoverned by a unitary centralised government for over a millennium, with its staffrecruited through tests.By virtue of the bureaucracy's leading role, Korea has achieved outstandingeconomic progress since the 1960s. Recent changes in Korea, represented bypolitical democratisation and economic development, call for reform of thebureaucracy. This persists as formed in the early 1960s for developmentadministration. Its permeating values and attitudes are still traditional and thoseacquired as colonial legacies. Today, the Korean bureaucracy is being required tobe accountable, responsible, responsive as well as effective, efficientTwo sorts of reforms are considered here. One is control in line withdemocratic principles and popular expectations. The other is encouragementthrough personnel administration based on the merit principle. Since both arecomplementary to the other, these reforms should be implemented at the sametime. Control without encouragement generates mal- or non-administration atbest reluctant, passive and reactive administration. Encouragement withoutcontrol allows the ascendancy of elite groups; competent but hard to control andthus seemingly unaccountable.In controlling the Korean bureaucracy, significant stress should be onnormative constraints as well as on external, institutional and technical controlsystems. Under the influence of Confucianism the bureaucracy in Korea is seenas an agent to implement Heaven's will. No matter how elaborate controlsystems may be, in the face of complexity and professionalisation of modern bureaucracy, in the end their effectiveness depends on the will of human beingsto apply them neutrally. External control cannot be disregarded, but they mustbe complemented by morality, integrity and ethics. In Korea this means theremust be understanding of and reference to the specific culture and traditions ofthe country.The merit principle is a comprehensive principle governing all aspects ofpersonnel administration. Korea has a millennium-long tradition of meritocracyin which the government officials were selected through tests of merit The meritprinciple is taken for granted by Koreans. The contemporary Korean civil servicesystem is also established on the basis of such belief. However, there is a gapbetween the formal system and the reality of its operation. Balanced personnelpractices between ministries through strengthening the central personnel agency,the normalisation of performance appraisal, and strengthening of the protectionof the merit principle are essential.Politicisation, representativeness, managerialism, professionalism and tradeunionism have to be treated in processes of reform. Intervention of politics intoadministration, and poor representativeness stemming from gender, regional andeducational disparities should be addressed. Managerialism and marketprinciple, professionalism and unionism are more positive factors in Korea