This study explores the professional values which underpin choices madeon behalf of young children (three to seven year olds) for learning aforeign language in English nursery, infant and primary schools. Since theEducation Reform Act of 1988, young children in maintained early yearssettings have been excluded from the modern foreign languagescurriculum in England.The aim of this inquiry is to expose the belief systems of individuals ininstitutions with the power to influence the quality of the early learningexperience and notions of status and control with regard to theconceptualisation of both 'childhood' and 'foreign language education'. Avalue position is unavoidable: any interest on the part of the researcherhas been set aside to eliminate traces of attachment and to ensure, as faras possible, an unbiased inquiry.The research questions which lead the investigation are as follows:• Why are modern foreign languages omitted from Government policiesfor nursery settings and from the National Curriculum at Key Stage 1?• To what extent, if at all, have local education authorities in Englandalready established foreign language initiatives for young learners?• What are the challenges facing schools in the current context for theimplementation of a national policy?• What is the underpinning structure that supports the policy makingframework for this area of the early years curriculum?For the purpose of this study, the term 'policy maker' is used toencompass headteachers (micro level), local education authority advisers(meso level) and national authorities (macro level). Research methodsinclude case study, postal questionnaire and indepth interviews.Outcomes are presented as an analysis of innovation in one Englishcounty, perceptions of early language learning in local educationauthorities and discussions with policy makers at the national level. Aresearch study which links education policy making, constructions ofchildhood and theories about modern foreign language acquisition hasnot yet been conducted in England.It is anticipated that this investigation will contribute to the debate oncurriculum and values at the turn of the millennium based on newparadigms for the sociology of childhood and the perceived needs ofyoung children in an increasingly multicultural, multilingual society. Thenotion of 'bilingualism' will be deconstructed and reconstructed within aninclusive spectrum: the bilingual continuum. The outcomes of the studyare likely to have implications for future education policy and practice.