literary experimentation in the early 1960s in Greece (the case of the literary magazine Pali [1964-1967]).
University of Birmingham
University of Birmingham
This study is an investigation of the role of the "little magazine" flriAZ,published in the early 1960s in Greece, as well as the work of its contributors.By experimenting with the use or abuse, expansion or minimisation of literarylanguage, the group of flriAZ contributed to the constitution of the Greek 1960sand offered an alternative paradigm of a peripheral Western neo-avant-garde.The first chapter offers a brief account of the political and cultural backgroundto the magazine's publication. The second chapter explores the tradition of theavant-garde "little magazines", the developments of Greek and internationalalternative press in the 1960s and the features of flaAz as a "little magazine".The third chapter reviews the developments of international and GreekImodernism and the avant-garde and examines the debates on literary modernityin the Greek criticism of the 1960s. The fourth chapter considers the work ofManto Aravantinou, Nikos Stangos and Kostas Tachtsis, three contributors ofIlaAz whose literature introduced innovative oral and textual strategies. Chapterfive explores the ways Alexandros Schinas views language and literature in hismeta- fictional literary work. It examines his experimental techniques. analyseshis "hyperlexist" contribution to IlaAz and his views on the language question.Finally, the sixth chapter explores the background of the magazine's "anti-realistgeneration". It examines their work within the context of international avantgardeand analyses their contributions to the reformation of the literary andcultural attitude during the 1960s.