London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London)
London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London)
The aim of the research is to test whether an attribution approach from social/organisationalpsychology can illuminate the problem of women's unequal status in managemenL It has beensuggested that within organisations, the process of causal attribution devalues women's performance intwo ways. First, women managers compared to men may interpret their own performance lessfavourably, attributing its cause in ways likely to sustain lower self-confidence and expectations ofsuccess. Second, gender may affect superiors' perceptions of the reasons subordinates perform well orbadly, tending to be more favourable when the subordinate is male. These perceptions would thennegatively affect judgements about women's suitability for promotion. However, the support for thehypothesised gender differences and gender bias in performance attribution is based almost entirely onlaboratory studies and student samples. There are numerous reasons to question its generalisability toreal-world organisations. The purpose of the thesis is to move research on these issues into appliedsettings.The research sample was comprised of 180 managers in three diverse organisations: a local healthauthority, a civil engineering finn and a financial services company. Data was collected via semistructuredinterviews. A number of relevant hypotheses were tested, concerning 1) the existence ofgender differences ancVor bias in attributions for successful and unsuccessful managerial performance and2) whether the strength of any attributional gender effects differs across organisational settings.The results indicated support for the hypothesis that compared to men, women managers attribute theirown successful performance less favourably. There were no gender differences in managers'explanations for their own unsuccessful performance. No support was found for the predicted genderbias in attribution for the performance of subordinates. Nor was there clear support for the hypothesisthat the strength of attributional gender effects would be mediated by the sex-typing of organisations.The research findings and their implications for theory, research method and practice am discussed.
Management & business studies
Rosenthal, Patrice.
London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London)