The Anson family were established at Shugborough by 1625; theyflourished throughout the 18th century, accumulating land, status, wealthand, in the early 19th century, titles. 1842, however, saw a sale of thecontents of Shugborough. Examination of mortgage records and agents'accounts shows that for two decades prior this the 1st Earl of Lichfieldhad been raising numerous mortgages from local sources, on a scale fargreater than that indicated by the sale. In 1838 these were replaced by asingle .ortgage of £300,000 from a London insurance company. Further loanswere raised on the 1st Earl's death. Although the total mortgage burdenwas greatest after 1854, other indicators show that the period around 1840was a ti.e of great financial stress. The loan burden was attacked onlywhen the estate faced up to another crisis in 1880, when falling incomeforced the 4th Viscount to begin the process of debt reduction.H.ving qu.ntified the problem, the study tries to weigh the balanceof causes, between personal extravagance and more structured behaviour.The precipitated the Shugborough sale, but the mortgages financed aprogr .... of land and property acquisition aimed at consolidation and thecontinuance of the faaily's political control of Lichfield, in the face ofparlia .. ntary reform. Traditional ties drew the family into the world ofWhig pride in a long Foxite loyalty, a marriage into theCokes, a Holkha.-tr.ined agency, the espousal of enclosure, farmconsolid.tion, i.provement, andbuilt into the very fabric ofsporting excellence.this world; negativeExtravagance wasqualities ofdissipation were the obverse of a more attractive positive inheritance.The cost can be calculated in teras of both sale and mortgages, and of thesocial disloc.tion within Staffordshire, seen most clearly in thech.ngeover to London-based finance in 1838.