Subsistence and land-use amongst resettled indigenous people in the Paraguayan Chaco :
Leake, Andrew Paul.
a participatory approach.
University of Herfordshire
University of Herfordshire
The lack of data on subsistence and land-use patterns often impedes the design ofecologically sustainable, culturally appropriate, socially acceptable and politicallyfeasible approaches to the legalisation of land tenure among indigenous peoples.With specific reference to Amerindians of the Gran Chaco, this thesis shows theextent to which a participatory research methodology can empower indigenouspeoples in generating, articulating and communicating data which are vital to thesupport of their land claims.Fieldwork was conducted with Angaite Indians of the Paraguayan Chaco between1994 and 1996. Participatory research methods included a census of ten villages(pop. 1,005), drawings of subsistence activities, a survey of material possessions, atime-allocation study, self-kept records of food intake, anthropometric measurementsof children, self-kept records on wildlife use (in ten villages), and Indian-made mapsof land-use. Satellite imagery provided the basis for the geographic analysis of landusepatterns at local and regional scales.The Angaite own some land but are surrounded by privately owned cattle ranches.Their actual land and resource-use patterns extend over an area ten times greater thanthat to which they are legally entitled. Although horticulture and paid labour are nowthe mainstay of the Indian subsistence economy, hunting and fishing continue toprovide over 90% of their meat consumption. Hunting patterns are shown to affect alarge number of animals but only a small number of species.Land-use is focused on the communal exploitation of resources at key sites spreadover broad areas of land. This concept is not catered for in the current Paraguayanlegislation, which is based on the principle of giving families a plot of land to farm.On the basis of data generated by the Angaite, this study underlines the need for aradical rethinking of how Indian land-rights might be legalised in a manner whichenhances the ecological sustainability of their respective lifestyles. Fundamental tothat rethinking is the empowerment of indigenous peoples to express andcommunicate their own views on their own needs for land.