A study of the relationship between Ireland and England as portrayed in Irish post-primary school history text books, published since 1922, and dealing with the period 1800 to the present.
Mulcahy, Brian J.
University of Hull
University of Hull
The thesis is a study of the relationship betweenIreland and England as portrayed in Irish post-primaryhistory school textbooks, dealing with the period 1800 tothe present day, and published or in use since 1922. Thethesis identifies two distinct categories of texts and theseare referred to as purist texts and moderate texts. Thepurist texts are characterised by their strong pro-Irish,and anti-English biases in their presentation of Irishhistory. The moderate texts, by contrast, are generallywithout such biases and present more neutral accounts ofIrish history.The central thesis of the work is that the relationshipbetween Ireland and England as portrayed in the purist textsis fundamentally different from the relationship portrayedin the moderate texts. Close examination of the textsrevealed that the presentation of Irish history fell intothree large divisions, military and revolutionary history,political history and social history. For this reason thethesis, apart from introductory and concluding chapters, iscomprised of three large central chapters, dealing in turnwith each of these three aspects of Irish history. Thus,Chapter II looks at the treatment of the military andrevolutionary history in the texts. Chapter III deals withthe political history of Ireland and Chapter IV treats ofthe social history of Ireland. Each of these three chapterselaborates on how the topics dealt with contribute to the overall portrayal of the relationship between Ireland andEngland, as presented in the texts.The thesis concludes that the relationship betweenIreland and England portrayed by the purist texts is anegative and hostile one, while the relationship portrayedby the moderate texts is a positive one. Hence, afundamental difference in the portrayal of the relationshipbetween the purist and moderate texts is established.