The spectacle plays and exhibitions of Imre Kiralfy, 1887-1914
Gregory, B. E.
University of Manchester
University of Manchester
The thesis is concerned with the large spectacle playsproduced by Imre Kiralfy between 1887 and 1903, and theinternational exhibitions which he created and staged between1895 and 1914. The purpose of the study is four-fold; to showthe origins of mire Kiralfy's development of the spectacletheatre form to describe the, spectacle plays which heproduced in the United States and in England; to examine thecombined spectacle plays and exhibitions which he Staged atOlympia and Earl's .Court in London; and finally tocharacterize the way in which Kiralfy subsumed spectacletheatre into the large International exhibitions which hestaged at the White City in London.In the Introduction I set out the structure of the thesis,and make some observations on the problem of genre in thestudy of nineteenth century spectacle plays and exhibitions,Chapter 1 serves as a background to the later chapters, andoutlines Kiralfy's early life as a Variety dancer and then asa theatre manager in New York. Chapter 2 is concerned with thepageant plays produced in Cincinnatti in r the 1880s, and theways in which they were appropriated by Kiralfy andsubsequently staged by him at St. George, Staten Island in1887 and 1888. Chapter 3 deals with the spectacle playspresented by Kiralfy at Olympia in London between 1889 and1893. Chapter 4 describes the two spectacle plays produced byKiralfy in the United States in association with the ColumbusCelebrations of 1892-3. Chapter 5 details the nine exhibitionsand their accompanying spectacle entertainments which Kitalfystaged at Earl's Court between 1895 and 1903. Chapter 46describes the political financial and 'architecturalbackground to the construction of the White City exhibitiongrounds, the international exhibitions presented there between1908 and 1914, and the staging of the Olympic Games in 1908.