Baker Ahmad Alserhan, Veland Ramadani, Jusuf Zeqiri, Léo-Paul Dana, editors.
Cham :
1 online resource (278 pages)
Contributions to Management Science
An Introduction to Strategic Islamic Marketing -- Halal Industry: Threats and Barriers -- Halal Industry: Threats and Barriers -- Does the Non-Muslim Segment Matter in Strategic Islamic Marketing? A Literary Insight with Practical Implications -- Developing an Islamic Corporate Culture -- Small and Medium Enterprises and Strategic Marketing in an Emerging Muslim Country: The Case of Indonesia -- Consumption as a Way of Production -- E-Governance Projects in Public Organizations: The Role of Project Managers Islamic Work Ethics in Accomplishing IT Project Performance -- E-Marketing in Islamic Markets -- Managing Halal Food Knowledge and Innovation: Small and Medium Food Enterprises (SMFEs) Performance -- Determinants of Islamic Banking Industry Performance: Does Economic Value Added (EVA) Matter? -- Halal Travel and Beyond COVID-19 -- Strategic Perspectives of Islamic Entrepreneurship and Marketing -- Entrepreneurship Orientation, Practices, and Performance in Islam -- Entrepreneurial Fear of Failure during Crises: Some Insights from Opportunity-Driven Entrepreneurs in a Muslim Ethnic Group in Indonesia -- Emerging Modest Fashion Industry: What Plays a Greater Role in Modest Dressing, Religion or Culture? Implications for Strategic Marketing -- Halal Blockchain Technology Application: A Consumer Confidence and Competitive Advantage.
Marketing in the emerging Islamic markets is a challenging business function since international companies must contend with unfamiliar customs, cultural differences, and legal challenges. This book provides marketers who want to reach this emerging and very lucrative consumer base with essential, research-based insights on these aspects and how to deal with them. This book redefines marketing practice and conduct and challenges conventional marketing wisdom by introducing a religious-based ethical framework to the practice of marketing. The framework opens a whole new array of marketing opportunities and describes the behavior of the consumer, community, and companies using a different approach than conventional marketing thought.