Intro; Title Page; Copyright; Dedication; Acknowledgment; Contents; Foreword by Jim Petersen; Introduction; Chapter 1: Islam 101; What is Islam and who are Muslims?; Is Allah God?; The five pillars of Islam; The life of Muhammad; An overview of the Qur'an; Chapter 2: The Muslim Worldview; The Bedouin ideal; Honor and shame; Worldview contrasts; Bridging Eastern and Western worldviews; Chapter 3: Relational Tips; Greetings; Hospitality and generosity; Gifts; Food and drink; Dogs; Clothing; Mixed-gender ministry; East meets West; Be genuine; Group dynamics; The importance of repetition.
Developing friendshipsMaking the Bible culturally relevant; Building bridges through Muslim culture; The "wooing" of the Spirit; The insider approach; Chapter 6: Final Comments; Appendix 1: Culturally Sensitive Personal Testimony; Appendix 2: Suggested Reading List; Appendix 3: The King's Gift.
Say it with a smileWords guaranteed to start an argument; Discuss, don't debate; Silence implies agreement; Money; Talking politics; Personal safety; Folk Islam and spiritual warfare; The power of love; Chapter 4: Emergency Apologetics: Answering Common Objections; "The Bible has been corrupted."; "Christians believe in three gods."; "Jesus is not the Son of God."; "What do you think about Muhammad?"; "What do you think about the Qur'an?"; "Why haven't you become a Muslim?"; "Was Muhammad prophesied in the Bible?"; Chapter 5: Six Keys to Communicating the Gospel; Prayer.