Ṭunjur, Ṭunjur -- The Woman Who Married Her Son -- Precious One and Worn-out One -- Šwēš, Šwēš! -- The Golden Pail -- Half-a-Halfling -- The Orphans' Cow -- Sumac! You Son of a Whore, Sumac! -- The Green Bird -- Little Nightingale the Crier -- The Little Bird -- Jummēz Bin Yāzūr, Chief of the Birds -- Jbēne -- Sackcloth -- Šāhīn -- The Brave Lad -- Gazelle -- Lōlabe -- The Old Woman Ghouleh -- Lady Tatar -- Šōqak Bōqak! -- Clever Ḥasan -- The Cricket -- The Seven Leavenings -- The Golden Rod in the Valley of Vermilion -- Minjal -- Im ʿĒše -- Chick Eggs -- The Ghouleh of Trans-Jordan -- Bear-Cub of the Kitchen -- The Woman Whose Hands Were Cut Off -- Nʿayyis (Little Sleepy One) -- Im ʿAwwād and the Ghouleh -- The Merchant's Daughter -- Pomegranate Seeds -- The Woodcutter -- The Fisherman -- The Little She-Goat -- The Old Woman and Her Cat -- Dunglet -- The Louse -- The Woman Who Fell into the Well -- The Rich Man and the Poor Man -- Maʿrūf the Shoemaker -- Im ʿAlī and Abū ʿAlī
By combining their expertise in English literature and anthropology, Ibrahim Muhawi and Sharif Kanaana bring to these folktales an integral method of study that unites a sensitivity to language with a deep appreciation for culture. As native Palestinians, the authors are well suited to their task. Over the course of several years, they collected tales from the regions of the Galilee, Gaza, and the West Bank, determining which were the most widely known and appreciated and selecting the ones that best represent the Palestinian Arab folk narrative tradition. Great care has been taken with the.
Speak, bird, speak again.
Folk literature, Arabic-- Palestine, Translations into English.