Defining Salafism, analysing canons -- Salafism and its transmission -- The canon and canonizers -- Africans and Saudi Arabia -- Nigerians in Medina -- The canon in action -- Teaching the canon -- The canon in religious debates and electronic media -- The canon in politics -- Boko Haram and the canon -- Boko Haram from Salafism to Jihadism -- Reclaiming the canon.
Drawing on interviews with leading Salafis in Nigeria as well as on a rereading of the history of the global Salafi movement, this volume explores how a canon of classical and contemporary texts defines Salafism. Examining how these texts are interpreted and - crucially - who it is that has the authority to do so, Thurston offers a systematic analysis of curricula taught in Saudi Arabia and how they shape religious scholars' approach to religion and education once they return to Africa.