The Dream of the Biocentric Community and the Structure of Utopias1
Peder Anker, Nina Witoszek, Peder Anker, et al.
This paper examines the ideal of community as imagined by Arne Naess and the Deep Ecology Movement. In particular the authors address such questions as: Is pluralism of lifestyles reconcilable with the main ideas of the biocentric community? Is liberal justice possible within it? And how realistic is the proposal of education towards a 'biocentric identity'? The analysis shows that, while the deep ecological vision is by no means 'fascist' as some of its critics insist, its inconsistencies, silences and omissions point to an incomplete project which has a dystopian conclusion written into its scenario. This paper examines the ideal of community as imagined by Arne Naess and the Deep Ecology Movement. In particular the authors address such questions as: Is pluralism of lifestyles reconcilable with the main ideas of the biocentric community? Is liberal justice possible within it? And how realistic is the proposal of education towards a 'biocentric identity'? The analysis shows that, while the deep ecological vision is by no means 'fascist' as some of its critics insist, its inconsistencies, silences and omissions point to an incomplete project which has a dystopian conclusion written into its scenario.
Worldviews: Global Religions, Culture, and Ecology