The omnimoda historia of Nummius Aemilianus Dexter:
A Latin Translation of Eusebius' Chronography?
Lieve Van Hoof
This article discusses two problems of interpretation in the entry on Dexter in Jerome's De viris illustribus (Hier. vir. ill.). In particular, it offers the first detailed discussion of the information we possess on Dexter's omnimoda historia, and suggests that it may have been a Latin translation and/or adaptation of the first part of the chronicle of Eusebius, the so-called chronography. This article discusses two problems of interpretation in the entry on Dexter in Jerome's De viris illustribus (Hier. vir. ill.). In particular, it offers the first detailed discussion of the information we possess on Dexter's omnimoda historia, and suggests that it may have been a Latin translation and/or adaptation of the first part of the chronicle of Eusebius, the so-called chronography.