Methodology, Healing, Story, and Ideology Response To the Articles By Pieter f cRaffert and Johan m sTrijdom
John Dominic Crossan
I am grateful to both those preceding scholars for their articles and for allowing me the privilege of a reply. It is also a special pleasure to recall their hospitality and generosity at the University of South Africa during the seminar on which these papers mere first presented. My reply takes up those topics in my title, the first two from Pieter Craffert, the latter two from Johan Strijdom. I am grateful to both those preceding scholars for their articles and for allowing me the privilege of a reply. It is also a special pleasure to recall their hospitality and generosity at the University of South Africa during the seminar on which these papers mere first presented. My reply takes up those topics in my title, the first two from Pieter Craffert, the latter two from Johan Strijdom.