The tragic two-thousand-year story of Jewish-Christian relations has its roots in the first century, when the two sides, governed by exclusive beliefs and experiences, found it impossible to sympathise and difficult to communicate with one another. The forces contributing to the growing rift were the different attitudes towards (or interpretations of) the death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth and the destruction of the Temple in the year 70. The historical analysis of these tensions is a reminder that understanding, empathy, and communication are crucial if communities in conflict with one another are to make any progress in the direction of peaceful solutions. The tragic two-thousand-year story of Jewish-Christian relations has its roots in the first century, when the two sides, governed by exclusive beliefs and experiences, found it impossible to sympathise and difficult to communicate with one another. The forces contributing to the growing rift were the different attitudes towards (or interpretations of) the death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth and the destruction of the Temple in the year 70. The historical analysis of these tensions is a reminder that understanding, empathy, and communication are crucial if communities in conflict with one another are to make any progress in the direction of peaceful solutions.