Who Shall Lead them out? An Exploration of God's Openness in Exodus 32.7-14
Scott Ellington
Open theism focuses on our relationship with God and points out the ways that traditional theism's emphasis on divine omniscience and immutability is in conflict with a close, mutual relationship. Open theists argue that many biblical texts portray God as open to a future that is not fully known by him and that is shaped in cooperation with God's covenant partners. Exodus 32.7-14 is frequently cited as supporting the openness position, and in this article I will examine the main points of the openness argument and then exegete this passage in the context of the book of Exodus. A careful study will show that Exodus 32 demonstrates not a lack of foreknowledge on God's part, but a process of experiential learning as Yahweh and Moses together make decisions about the future of God's chosen people. Open theism focuses on our relationship with God and points out the ways that traditional theism's emphasis on divine omniscience and immutability is in conflict with a close, mutual relationship. Open theists argue that many biblical texts portray God as open to a future that is not fully known by him and that is shaped in cooperation with God's covenant partners. Exodus 32.7-14 is frequently cited as supporting the openness position, and in this article I will examine the main points of the openness argument and then exegete this passage in the context of the book of Exodus. A careful study will show that Exodus 32 demonstrates not a lack of foreknowledge on God's part, but a process of experiential learning as Yahweh and Moses together make decisions about the future of God's chosen people.