Theological, Sacramental and Pastoral Reflections From a Roman Catholic Perspective
Arthur Canales
The purpose of this article is to alleviate some of the misunderstanding about the phrase 'you must be born-again' found in the Nicodemus Narra tive in John 3.1-15. Particularly, the theological, sacramental, and pastoral aspects ofbeing 'bom-again' will be explored in a Catholic context. Finally, this article will properly situate becoming 'bom-again' as an experience within the process of Christian conversion with implications for Catholic renewal.If you're born once, then you die twice, but if you're born twice, you die once. Pentecostal Riddle The purpose of this article is to alleviate some of the misunderstanding about the phrase 'you must be born-again' found in the Nicodemus Narra tive in John 3.1-15. Particularly, the theological, sacramental, and pastoral aspects ofbeing 'bom-again' will be explored in a Catholic context. Finally, this article will properly situate becoming 'bom-again' as an experience within the process of Christian conversion with implications for Catholic renewal.If you're born once, then you die twice, but if you're born twice, you die once. Pentecostal Riddle