The book Rainbow Spirit Theology asserts that the gospel needs to be expressed in Aboriginal terms for Aboriginal people. The Rainbow Spirit Elders articulate an indigenous theology to help revitalize Aboriginal spirituality. Their contextualization model is anthropological; Aboriginal culture is their main source for doing theology. Scripture and church tradition are secondary sources that are creatively used to illustrate their developing theology of the land, suffering and reconciliation. The Gospel is the third source, with a focus on cosmic redemption, especially for the land and the crying need for justice and reconciliation. The book affirms but does not explicitly deal with personal redemption, but other writers are further exploring salvation images for Aboriginal people and what Jesus means to them. As these streams of reflection flow together, the Rainbow Spirit Elders hope to help all of Australia develop a deeper spirituality at home in our land. The book Rainbow Spirit Theology asserts that the gospel needs to be expressed in Aboriginal terms for Aboriginal people. The Rainbow Spirit Elders articulate an indigenous theology to help revitalize Aboriginal spirituality. Their contextualization model is anthropological; Aboriginal culture is their main source for doing theology. Scripture and church tradition are secondary sources that are creatively used to illustrate their developing theology of the land, suffering and reconciliation. The Gospel is the third source, with a focus on cosmic redemption, especially for the land and the crying need for justice and reconciliation. The book affirms but does not explicitly deal with personal redemption, but other writers are further exploring salvation images for Aboriginal people and what Jesus means to them. As these streams of reflection flow together, the Rainbow Spirit Elders hope to help all of Australia develop a deeper spirituality at home in our land.