Missiology and feminist theology are becoming recognized as significant voices in contemporary Christian theology, both seeking to add other dimensions to the traditional elements of theology. Missiology seeks to bring mission back into the mainstream of Christian life and thought. While there is no one feminist theology but rather a diverse range of feminist theologies, these all seek to have the perspectives of women taken seriously in all aspects of theology. Both feminist theologies and missiology have areas that the other can critique. However, most importantly, they also have areas that can be enriched by engagement with each other. Missiology like much theology, has tended to be written by men, and focuses largely on the activities and priorities of men. It can benefit from the recognition of the role of women in mission both as missionaries, and as the missionised. Women have played a crucial role in mission that is only recently being recognized and affirmed. Feminist theologies have not tended to address issues of mission with the exception of the criticism of patriarchal missionary methods and their impact upon women. Missiology challenges feminist theologies to take seriously the core truths of the gospel and how these relate to world in which we live. The creative interaction between feminist theologies and missiology will have implications for our whole understanding of God, for our view of the Bible, and for how the gospel relates to a postmodern society. Both missiology and feminist theologies have challenges to bring to traditional theology. As they engage with each other, new and exciting aspects of both feminist theologies and missiology emerge that can be developed and explored.