"In this article Craig L. Nessan of Wartburg Theological Seminary in Dubuque, Iowa, USA reflects on five elements of a "new paradigm" of Christianity in our postmodern, post-Christendom world: First, the new paradigm will be based on interreligious dialogue and on consensus "from below"--i.e. from those who suffer. Second, it will include "admiration" of those who are different (religiously, in gender, in race, etc.). Third, the new paradigm of Christianity will include care for the earth as the home that humans share with a complex web of other created realities. Fourth, it will include care for the basic physical needs of all people, most fundamentally by providing food for those who are hungry. Finally, Christianity as it is emerging will include nonviolence as the norm for human relationships and for addressing conflict. In this article Craig L. Nessan of Wartburg Theological Seminary in Dubuque, Iowa, USA reflects on five elements of a "new paradigm" of Christianity in our postmodern, post-Christendom world: First, the new paradigm will be based on interreligious dialogue and on consensus "from below"--i.e. from those who suffer. Second, it will include "admiration" of those who are different (religiously, in gender, in race, etc.). Third, the new paradigm of Christianity will include care for the earth as the home that humans share with a complex web of other created realities. Fourth, it will include care for the basic physical needs of all people, most fundamentally by providing food for those who are hungry. Finally, Christianity as it is emerging will include nonviolence as the norm for human relationships and for addressing conflict."