The Redemption Discourse and Edwards the Missionary
Ricky F. Njoto
This article offers Jonathan Edwards's Redemption Discourse as an important document that can help us interpret Edwards's self-understanding as a missionary. In light of this document, this article proposes that Edwards saw himself as a missionary who partook in God's mission in his battle of light against darkness through political engagements, education, and propagation of the biblical and Protestant gospel to include Native American souls in the God-glorifying communion of the elect. This article offers Jonathan Edwards's Redemption Discourse as an important document that can help us interpret Edwards's self-understanding as a missionary. In light of this document, this article proposes that Edwards saw himself as a missionary who partook in God's mission in his battle of light against darkness through political engagements, education, and propagation of the biblical and Protestant gospel to include Native American souls in the God-glorifying communion of the elect.