Characteristics of Cases of the Reincarnation Type among the Igbo of Nigeria
Ian Stevenson
Data from fifty-seven Igbo cases of the reincarnation type are analyzed and compared with data from similar cases in other cultures. Compared with the cases of other cultures, the Igbo cases showed a high incidence of cases in which the subject and the person of whom he or she is said to be the reincarnation (previous personality) are related to each other, biologically or maritally. The subjects of the Igbo cases also showed an unusually high incidence (68 % ) of birth-marks and birth defects said to correspond with wounds on the previous personality. There was also a comparatively high incidence ( 18 % ) of claims to have been a person of the opposite sex in the previous life. Igbo children who were identified as being the reincarnation of someone else made fewer statements about the presumed previous life than did subjects in most other cultures.