Justice between Fairness and Love? Christian Ethics in Dialogue with Rawls and Niebuhr
Jenny Anne Wright
There are many different approaches to justice, both theological and secular. These different approaches and diverse theories need not be exclusive, but can play an important role in a dialogue on justice. Since justice is never completely just, it is imperative to always be critical of laws and policies while guarding against moral superiority and oppression. To this end, this article seeks to enter into a critical dialogue between John Rawls and Reinhold Niebuhr from a theological perspective. It critically examines their main ideas and focuses on the role of community, the importance of moral dialogue, the priority of the poor and the unique issues raised by globalization. There are many different approaches to justice, both theological and secular. These different approaches and diverse theories need not be exclusive, but can play an important role in a dialogue on justice. Since justice is never completely just, it is imperative to always be critical of laws and policies while guarding against moral superiority and oppression. To this end, this article seeks to enter into a critical dialogue between John Rawls and Reinhold Niebuhr from a theological perspective. It critically examines their main ideas and focuses on the role of community, the importance of moral dialogue, the priority of the poor and the unique issues raised by globalization.