The International Missionary Conference in Jerusalem
Deanna Ferree Womack
This essay situates the 1928 meeting of the International Missionary Council (imc) in Jerusalem in the historical context of British Mandate Palestine. Mission historians represent this conference as a turning point in the ecumenical missionary movement because delegates rejected Euro-centrism and demonstrated openness to partnerships with members of other faiths. Beyond the gates of the conference grounds where British soldiers stood guard, however, Palestinian Muslims and Christians expressed a different view of this gathering in the city of God. Arabic newspapers covered the widespread protests against the meeting, but imc publications gave little attention to this local response. Blinded by the inspiring Biblical scenery below, John Mott and other imc leaders failed to exhibit the sort of cultural sensitivity many delegates advocated behind the closed doors of their hilltop conference. This essay situates the 1928 meeting of the International Missionary Council (imc) in Jerusalem in the historical context of British Mandate Palestine. Mission historians represent this conference as a turning point in the ecumenical missionary movement because delegates rejected Euro-centrism and demonstrated openness to partnerships with members of other faiths. Beyond the gates of the conference grounds where British soldiers stood guard, however, Palestinian Muslims and Christians expressed a different view of this gathering in the city of God. Arabic newspapers covered the widespread protests against the meeting, but imc publications gave little attention to this local response. Blinded by the inspiring Biblical scenery below, John Mott and other imc leaders failed to exhibit the sort of cultural sensitivity many delegates advocated behind the closed doors of their hilltop conference.