Ḥusayn, Dey of Algiers - Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE
Loualich, Fatiha
(1,290 words)
Ḥusayn Pāshā Dey of Algiers (1181-1253/1768-1838), whose given name was al-Ḥasan b. al-Ḥasan, was the last to hold the title dey , or regent, of Algiers, a position he held from 1818 until the French conquest of the city in 1830. He was born in 1181/1768 in Sandıklı, a village near Denizli in western Anatolia. His father was originally from Çanakkale (Çanā Qalī). Theirs was a prominent Muslim family, providing Ḥusayn with social connections and a solid grounding in Islam. At the age of twenty-