İsmeti (ʿİṣmetī, d. 1076/1665) was the penname of the Ottoman poet Mehmet Çelebi b. Fazlullah (Meḥmed Çelebi b. Faḍlullāh). He was born in Istanbul, sometime between 1020/1611 and 1022/1613, to Şeyh Fazlullah Birgivizade (Shaykh Faḍlullāh Birgivīzāde, d. 1032-3/1623), son of the well-known scholar Birgivi/Birgili Mehmed (Birgivī/Birgili Meḥmed) Efendi (d. 981/1573). Thus, İsmeti was born into a highly educated, cultured family. He was first taught by his father, then by a succession of other learned men. During his studies, he also served