ʿInāyat Allāh Khān - Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE
Kulke, Tillmann
(718 words)
ʿInāyat Allāh Khān Kashmīrī (d. 1139/1726) was born into an intellectual family. His mother, Ḥāfiẓa Maryam, instructed several pre-eminent Mughal nobles in Islamic subjects. Amongst them was Awrangzīb's favourite daughter, the princess Zīb al-Nisāʾ Makhfā (d. 1113/1702), who is said to have memorised the Qurʾān by the age of seven, thus becoming a ḥāfiẓa (fem. of Ar. ḥāfiẓ , a term used of Muslims who memorise the entire Qurʾān). That pleased the emperor and eased the introduction of ʿInāyat Allāh Khān into the empire's higher