Çelebizade İsmail Asım - Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE
Woodhead, Christine
(742 words)
Çelebizade İsmail Asım Efendi (Çelebizāde İsmāʿīl ʿĀṣım, also known as Küçükçelebizade/Küçükçelebizāde, 1096-1173/1685-1760) was an Ottoman şeyhülislam ( shaykh al-Islām , head of the judicial hierarchy), historian, and poet. Born in Istanbul, son of the reisülküttab ( raʾīs al-kuttāb , chief secretary in the imperial chancery) Küçük Çelebi Mehmed (Meḥmed) Efendi (d. after 1108-9/1699), he received a scholarly education and taught in several Istanbul medrese s ( madrasa , theological college): Kenan Paşa medrese (appointed in 1120/1708), the Dizdariye (Dizdāriyye) (1125/1713), the Ahmed (Aḥmed) Paşa medrese in