ʿAlī Murād Khān Zand - Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE
Tucker, Ernest
(499 words)
ʿAlī Murād Khān Zand (r. 1195-9/1781-5) was the fourth ruler of the Zand dynasty, which dominated southern and central Iran in the late twelfth/eighteenth century (1163-1209/1750-1794). ʿAlī Murād became the nephew of the dynasty's the first ruler, Karīm Khān Zand (r. 1164-93/1751-79), when his mother, a sister of Karīm Khān's commander Zakī Khān (d. 1193/1779), married Karīm Khān's brother Ṣādiq Khān (r. 1193-5/1779-81, d. 1196/1782). After Karīm Khān died, ʿAlī Murād Khān