ʿAlī b. Muḥammad Wafāʾ - Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE
McGregor, Richard J.
(1,233 words)
ʿAlī b. Muḥammad Wafāʾ (d. 807/1405) was a Ṣūfī shaykh and head of a prominent family of Mamlūk Cairo. As a mystical poet and inheritor of Akbarian thought through his father, Muḥammad Wafāʾ (d. 765/1363), ʿAlī represents an Egyptian blend of the Shādhiliyya Ṣūfī order and the philosophy of Muḥyī l-Dīn Ibn ʿArabī (d. 638/1240), known by his followers as al-Shaykh al-Akbar, "the Great Master." ʿAlī's education and career were limited to Cairo and the central Egyptian city of Akhmīm. According to al-