ʿAlawī, Wajīh al-Dīn - Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE
Kugle, Scott
(1,230 words)
Wajīh al-Dīn ʿAlawī Gujarātī (910-98/1504-90) was a prominent Ṣūfī and a scholar of ḥadīth in the city of Aḥmadābād, in Gujarat. He infused ḥadīth studies with monistic mysticism, creating a style of Ṣūfism that flourished in the Shaṭṭāriyya communities of Gujarat, Mecca, and Indonesia (the Shaṭṭārī Ṣūfī order, whose adherents stress the self, personal deeds, personal attributes that make a person godlike, and personal union with God, was introduced into India by Shāh ʿAbdallāh, d. 890/1485). Wajīh al-Dīn was born in Aḥmadābād to a