ʿAbdallāh Ṣūfī Shaṭṭārī - Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE
Kugle, Scott
(845 words)
ʿAbdallāh Ṣūfī Shaṭṭārī (d. 1010/1601) was a ḥadīth scholar and a Ṣūfī in the Shaṭṭāriyya order, which was introduced into India by Shāh ʿAbdallāh Shaṭṭār (d. 890/1485 in Mandu). ʿAbdallāh Ṣūfī Shaṭṭārī helped establish a vibrant connection between the centre of Shaṭṭārī Ṣūfī activity in Gujarat and the holy cities in Arabia, and he wrote seven works on mysticism. 1. Life ʿAbdallāh Ṣūfī Shaṭṭārī was born in 904/1498 in Sandīla, a town in present-day Uttar Pradesh, and he joined a Ṣūfī order at age nine-apparently