ʿAbd al-Karīm Kashmīrī - Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE
Tucker, Ernest
(755 words)
ʿAbd al-Karīm Kashmīrī (d. 1198/1784) was an Indo-Persian chronicler of the Turkmen ruler Nādir Shāh (r. 1147-60/1736-47) and a traveller in India and the Middle East. Little is known of his early life, including the year of his birth, but we do know that he was living in Delhi when it was conquered by Nādir Shāh (r. 1148-60/1736-47), in 1151/1739. After the seizure of the city and the subjugation of the Mughal emperor Muḥammad Shāh (r. 1131-61/1719-48),