ʿAbd al-Hādī, ʿAwnī - Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE
Damir-Geilsdorf, Sabine
(358 words)
ʿAwnī ʿAbd al-Hādī (1882 or 1889-1970) was a leading Palestinian political figure, pan-Arabist, and lawyer. He was born in Nablus into a well-known landowning family and was educated in Beirut, Istanbul, and Paris. He was a founding member of the Young Arab Society (al-Jamʿiyya al-ʿArabiyya al-Fatāt), which supported Arab unity and independence. He acted as adviser and private secretary to Fayṣal b. al-Ḥusayn when, in 1918-20, the latter stood at the head of the Arab Government (al-Ḥukūma al-ʿArabiyya) in