Jalāl al-Dīn Mangburnī - Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE
Paul, Jürgen
(2,443 words)
Jalāl al-Dīn Mangburnī , the "last Khwārazmshāh," ruled in parts of Iran and northwestern India from 617/1220 to 628/1231. He is best known as a heroic fighter against the Mongol invasion. He succeeded in restoring Khwārazmī rule in western Iran and Azerbaijan but was finally defeated by the Mongols in 628/1231. His name is read and explained in various ways. Earlier scholars had Mangubirti (or similar forms); the forms most frequently used now are Mangburnī (with a birthmark on the nose) (Mīnuvī) or Mingīrinī (valiant fighter worth