Idrīsiyya, in Indonesia - Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE
van Bruinessen, Martin
(1,055 words)
The Idrīsiyya of Indonesia is a Ṣūfī order belonging to the intellectual and spiritual tradition associated with the North African master Aḥmad b. Idrīs (d. 1253/1837, in Ṣabyā, Yemen), which is generally known as the Aḥmadiyya-Idrīsiyya. The teachers of the Indonesian order claim that their primary affiliation is with the Sanūsiyya but there are also considerable similarities with the Dandarāwiyya branch of the Aḥmadiyya-Rashīdiyya, which is active in Malaysia. The first Indonesian shaykh of the Idrīsiyya, ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ (1884-1947), was born into a religious family