Abū Sharāḥīl (or Shuraḥbīl) (al-)Rammāḥ b. Abrad b. Thawbān (d. 149/766), known as Ibn Mayyāda , was a Bedouin poet. His tribe was the Murra, a branch of the Dhubyān (a subtribe of the Ghaṭafān). He lived in western Najd (in the north-central Arabian Peninsula), in or near a place called Ḥimā Ḍariyya, close to the Ḥijāz. His father was a shepherd, despite being a descendant of al-Ḥārith b. Ẓālim (d. 600 C.E.), the leader of the Ghaṭafān, and a grandson of Salmā, the daughter of