Ibn al-Iṭnāba al-Khazrajī - Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE
Hussein, Ali Ahmad
(786 words)
ʿAmr b. ʿĀmir Ibn al-Iṭnāba al-Khazrajī was a pre-Islamic poet from the Khazraj tribe, one of the two main tribes in Medina, the other being the Aws, in the western part of the Arabian Peninsula. The poet's shuhra , the name by which he is known, reflects the name of his mother, al-Iṭnāba bt. Shihāb. He led his tribe in one of its battles against the Aws. He was a contemporary of al-Ḥārith b. Ẓālim al-Murrī (d. 600 C.E.), the leader of the