Haşimi Emir Osman Efendi - Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE
Procházka-Eisl, Gisela
(914 words)
Haşimi Emir Osman (Hāşimī Emīr ʿOthmān, 919-1002 or 1003/1513-94 or 95) Efendi , an Ottoman poet and Ṣūfī shaykh , also called Saçlı Emir and Kasımpaşalı Emir Efendi, was born in Sivas, Anatolia, the son of Mehmed Sivasi (Meḥmed Sivāsī), of whom nothing further is known. Because his mother's family descended from the Prophet Muḥammad, Haşimi bears, among others, the appellation seyyid ( sayyid , a title of honour for the Prophet's descendants). He wore his hair long like the seyyid s in Iran and therefore also had the