Dāwūd b. Jirjīs - Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE
Weismann, Itzchak
(774 words)
Dāwūd b. Sulaymān b. Jirjīs al-Mūsawī al-Baghdādī (b. 1812 or 1816, d. 1881) was born into a prosperous family in Baghdad and received a thorough religious education under his father. He was initiated into the Naqshbandī-Khālidī brotherhood by its local shaykh , ʿAbd al-Ghafūr al-Mushāhidī. (The widespread Naqshbandī Ṣūfī order was founded in Bukhārā by Bahāʾ al-Dīn Naqshband, d. 791/1389; its orthodox Khālidī branch was founded by the Kurdish shaykh Khālid Naqshbandī (d. 1827), himself trained in India in the Mujaddidī current initiated by